2019 Linus-Pauling Speakers (to be announced) and our past Linus Pauling biotech pharma Symposium speakers (see jpg below)

Pre-registration is required but seminar fee is $0.

Themes: Biologics, Antibody Therapeutics and Immunotherapy
What is hot in biotech pharma? Why mentors?
Why science? Why open innovation and global collaboration?
Themes - Career decisions: academia vs. biotech pharma for science discovery
Yin & Yang: lessons learned from working in academia, biotech & pharma.
If innovation is a seed, where is the soil? When will it rain?

2016 Nobel-Pauling Biologics/Antibody Symposium Agenda


2:00 pm Registration, networking and group photo with speakers
3:00-5:00 pm Welcome: Dr. Grace Wong, ActoKine Therapeutics (former Genentech)
Legacy of Dr. Linus Pauling: Professor Scott Mohr, Professor of Chemistry at Boston University

Presentation: Biologics, Antibody Therapeutics and Immunotherapy
Moderators: Dr. Ravi Kumar, CSO, Acceleron Pharma, Dr. Joseph Murphy, CRL & Dr. Jeff Boucher, UMass Medical School

Dr. Thomas Waldmann, MD, Head, Cytokine Immunology and Immunotherapy Section, National Cancer Institute (Keynote)
Seminar title "IL-2 and IL-15 in the life and death of lymphocytes: Serendipity and a 60 year scientific odyssey"

Dr. Andreas Schaaf PhD, Greenovation Biotech, Germany
Martine Darwish, MS, Senior Scientist, Protein Chemistry, Genentech
Dr. James Ernst, PhD, Senior Scientist, gRED Research and Early Development, Genentech

Prof. Dr. Stefan Dübel PhD, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany (co-founder of YuMab GmbH)
Seminar title: Human therapeutic antibodies and beyond + career advice for students, postdocs & scientists

Dr. Michael Blank PhD, CSO, AptaIT GmbH, Munich, Germany
Shannon Chilewski, MS, Scientist, Bristol-Myers Squibb
5:00-6:00 pm Panel discussion: Why Biologocis, Antibody Therapeutics and Immunotherapy?
Career decision: academia vs. industry (all speakers)
6:00-6:10 pm Dr. Grace Wong: New drug discovery: AK-2 for protection against infection by a broad spectrum of viruses
Dim Sum and group photo with speakers, students, postdocs and scientists
7:00-7:40 pm Presentation: Biologics, Antibody Therapeutics and Immunotherapy
Moderators: Dr. Ibraheem Badejo, Johnson & Johnson, Dr. Pallab Ghosh, Harvard
Dr. Ward Yuhas, CRL & Dr. Qing Liao (Boston Paragon and Spire Metering Technology)

  • Dr. Andrew Bradbury, MD, PhD, Staff Scientist, Biosciences, Los Alamos National Laboratory (Keynote)
  • Dr. Randall Brezski, PhD, Scientist, Antibody Engineering, Genentech
    Dr. Carolyn Cuff, PhD, Leader, Translational Research & Investigation Unit, AbbVie
7:40-9:30 pm Dr. Paul Carter, PhD, Senior Director and Staff Scientist, Antibody Engineering, Genentech (Keynote)
Seminar title - Antibody Therapeutics: Past, Present and Future (+ career advice)

Jeffrey Siegel, MD, Senior Group Medical Director, Global Head, Genentech
Seminar title: Biologics for Autoimmune diseases? + career advice for students, postdocs & scientists

Dr. Vibha Jawa, PhD, Principal Scientist, Clinical Immunology, Amgen
Dr. Stefan Weigand PhD, Head of Large Molecule Research, Roche

Panel discussion: Why Biologocis, Antibody Therapeutics and Immunotherapy?
Career decision: academia vs. industry (all speakers)

Closing remark: Dr. Grace Wong (former Genentech) ActoKine Therapeutics
9:30-10:00 pm Networking for skills & advice (sea of learning)

2015 Nobel-Pauling Biotech Pharma Christmas Symposium agenda and speakers


2:00 pm Registration, networking with Dim Sum and group photo with speakers
3:30-4:30 pm Welcome: Dr. Grace Wong, ActoKine Therapeutics
Legacy of Dr. Linus Pauling: Amadou Barry, South Africa, UMD

Presentation: the past, the present & the future & Why career in Science
Moderators: Dr. Xin Tang, MIT & Dilip G. Gosar (former Lilly)
Dr. Jiang He, MIT
Dr. Christian Maass, MIT, from Germany
Dr. Yogesh Dayma, MIT
Dr. Ramchander Chepyala, MIT
Dr. Tianmin Fu (Prof Hao Wu's lab), Harvard
4:30-5:00 pm Smart pitch
Dr. Xin Tang (Harvard); Dilip Gosar (former Lilly); Dr. Rajiv Shrestha (Octet Research);
Yogesh Reddy (Ascensus); Jessica Val (UMD); Alvin Lu (Harvard); Dr. Zhao Wang (MIT);
Dr. Zhou Lin (MIT); Dr. Peng Du (Tufts); Weiming Sun (MIT Sloan); Dr. Jicong Cao (MIT);
Dr. Jung Suh (MIT); Dr. Ahmed Fazly (MIT); Dr. Claudia Wehrspaun (MIT);
Dr. Jun Yang (MIT); Dr. Ru Wang (MIT)
5:00-5:20 pm Dr. Grace: What are the most important criteria for success in scientific discovery?
Getting a foot in the door & What is hot in Biotech Pharma?
5:30-6:30 pm Yin & Yang: lessons learned from working in academia, biotech & pharma.
Moderators: Dr. Rajiv Shrestha (Octet Research Inc) & Yogesh Reddy, Ascensus (Investment)
  • Dr. Yue Liu, Pfizer
  • Dr. Robert Ng, BioMarin Pharmaceuticals
    Supriya Shekar, Medbiomarkers
    Xiaoyue Shi, Case Western Reserve University, Ohio (Why China Biotech Pharma?)
    Prof DAI Huanqin is an associate professor in Prof Gil Alterovitz's lab (MIT/Harvard), as a visiting scholar from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (in Prof Lixin Zhang's lab), Beijing, China
6:30-7:00 pm Dr. Grace (Career decisions: academia vs. Industry (start up, biotech & pharma)
Closing remark: Dr. Grace (founder of www.ActoKine.com; www.Nobel-Pauling.org and www.StudentVision.org)
7:00-8:00 pm Networking for skills & advice (sea of learning)

2014 Nobel-Pauling microRNA and mentor Symposium Agenda

Boston (this location is shown only to confirmed attendees)
2014 Nobel Linus Pauling Mentoring & MicroRNA Symposium (March 17, 2014)


3:00 pm Registration & Networking with substances
3:30 pm Welcome: Dr. Grace Wong, CEO, ActoKine Therapeutics
Legacy of Dr. Linus Pauling: Marsha Paul, Linus Pauling Volunteer, volunteer for StudentVision.org
Dr. Chung-Wei Lee, MIT & Dr. Weimin Guo, Harvard
Bryan Germain, BiogenIdec, Career Keynote: Why career in Biotech?
Dr. David Salzman, BiogenIdec, Educational Keynote: microRNA: past, present & future
4:30-5:00pm Speakers:
Smart pitch from speakers from academia, biotech & pharma
Dr. Chung-Wei Lee, MIT; Dr. Weimin Guo, Harvard;
Dr. David Salzman, BiogenIdec; Dennis France, Advanced Cellular Dynamics
Dr Grace Wong, ActoKine Therapeutics (1st seminar Title: AK-1 for cancer and AK-2 for bird flu prevention)
2nd seminar title: Advice from Nobel Laureates and experts: What are the most important criteria for success in scientific discovery? and other speakers (students, post-docs & speakers from Academia, biotech & pharma). Prof Arthur Pardee, Harvard; Dr. James Falls, GSK; Dr. Xuemei Zhao, Merck; Dr. Rounak Nassirpour, Pfizer; Dr. Pavan Kumar, Eisai; Dr. Prasun Mishra; NIH; Prof Muller Fabbri; USC, LA: Prof Lorenzo Sempere, Van Andel Res. Inst; Prof Robert Lee, OSU, Ohio; Prof Taosheng Chen, stjude.org; Prof John Pezacki, Univ of Ottawa; Dr. Kathy Martin, KJMBiosystems; Becky Buzzeo, ThermoFisher Scientific; Dr. Jingfang Ju, Stony Brook Univ and more.
5:30 pm Speaker group photo with students & postdocs at 5:40pm and surprise pitch from Prof Pardee's four postdocs at 5:50pm
Prof Charles Stiles, Harvard (surprise pitch for Prof Pardee)
Keynote speakers: 6:00pm
Prof Arthur Pardee, Harvard (Linus Pauling's student at Caltech) Title: microRNAs and therapy of cancer
Prof Roy Glauber, Nobel Laureate, Harvard (story of Linus Pauling)
6:30-7:30 pm Speakers from Academia and biotech pharma Industry: microRNA seminars?
Moderators: Dr. David Salzman, BiogenIdec & Alex Pauling, Nobel-Pauling
  • Prof Arthur Pardee, Harvard; Dr. Bing Xia, GSK; Dr. Xuemei Zhao, Merck
    Dr. James Falls, GSK; Dr. Rounak Nassirpour, Pfizer; Dr. Pavan Kumar, Eisai;
    Dr. Prasun Mishra; NIH; Prof Muller Fabbri; USC, LA: Prof Lorenzo Sempere, Van Andel Res. Inst;
    Prof Robert Lee, OSU, Ohio; Prof Taosheng Chen, stjude.org; Prof John Pezacki, Univ of Ottawa and more.....
7:30 pm - 8:00 pm Biotech who's who (the joy of learning)
8pm-9pm Panel discussion: Why microRNA?
  • Prof Arthur Pardee, Harvard; Dr. James Falls, GSK; Dr. Xuemei Zhao, Merck; Dr. Rounak Nassirpour, Pfizer; Dr. Pavan Kumar, Eisai; Dr. Prasun Mishra; NIH; Prof Muller Fabbri; USC, LA: Prof Lorenzo Sempere, Van Andel Res. Inst; Prof Robert Lee, OSU, Ohio; Prof Taosheng Chen, stjude.org; Prof John Pezacki, Univ of Ottawa; Dr. Kathy Martin, KJMBiosystems; Becky Buzzeo, ThermoFisher Scientific; Dr. Jingfang Ju, Stony Brook Univ and more....
9:00 pm Closing remark (Dr. Grace Wong, founder of Nobel-Pauling.org and StudentVision.org)
9:10-10pm Networking for skills & advice (sea of learning to be useful for the world)

2013 Nobel-Pauling Biotech Pharma Symposium Agenda

Boston (this location is shown only to confirmed attendees. Please call 617-566-0511 for the location)
2013 Christmas (11 am to 5 pm)


11:00 am Registration & Bio who’s who (networking, 12 to 3pm)
12:00 pm Welcome: Dr. Grace Wong, ActoKine Therapeutics
Legacy of Dr. Linus Pauling (Dr. Jeremy Kintigh, University of New Hampshire)
12:30 pm Keynote speakers (New drug discovery: the need for innovation & global collaboration)
Dr. Michael Lam, Merck; Dr. Nanding Zhao, Eisai; Dr. Xiaoyu Tian, Bristol-Myers-Squibb; Dr. Jeff Ding, Sanofi; Dr. Bob Ward, AstraZeneca; Dr. Sherwin Shang, Abbvie; Dr. Yufei Xu, Novartis

Speakers from Academia and Industry for science innovation
Moderators: Richard Shamon, Student Vision & Alex Pauling, Nobel-Pauling
  • Sean Yang, genzyme; Yu Zhang, Pfizer; Dr. Emile Bellott, Howfond, China; Dr. CN Ramchand, CEO, Laila Pharma, India; Dr. Grace Wong, ActoKine Therapeutics; Dr. Min Wu, Harvard; Dr. Yansheng Hao, DFCI/Harvard; Dr. Haiyan Peng, BiogenIdec; Dr. Shenghong Yang, Harvard and Dr. Lichao Chen, Harvard;
  • Dr. Leonid Gaidukov, MIT; Dr. Nikola Kojic, MIT; Prof Maolin Guo, UMass Dartmouth; Dr. Alper Kucukural, Umass Medical School; Dr. SHANKAR PRASAD DAS, Umass Medical School
2:00 pm Smart pitch – Bio Who's who (the joy of learning)
2:15 pm Short presentation: Why scientist? The past, the present & the future.
  • Dr. Leonid Gaydukov, MIT; Dr. Shenghong Yang, Harvard; Dr. Aishuang Xiang, Novartis-MIT; Dr. Alper Kucukural, Umass Medical School; Amanuel Ghidey, University of New Hampshire;
  • Dr. Nikola Kojic, MIT & Dr. Zina Zhu, MIT; Dr. SHANKAR PRASAD DAS, Umass Medical School; Dr. Ahmed Bayoumi MD, Ibgen; Adil Malam, Harvard, UK

  • Smart pitch-Biotech who's who
  • Dr. Ozlem YILDIRIM, Harvard; Dr. David Dai, Merck; Dr. Yuqi Qin, Dr. Haiyan Peng, BiogenIec Dr. Sha Mi, BiogenIdec; Dr. Liu shubai, Harvard and Hua Wang, Northwestern University, Chicago; Dr. Saibal Chakraborty, NIH; Dr. Ming BAI, Harvard; Dr. Helen Sadik, Johns Hopkins Medical School & Michel Lau, Johns Hopkins U; Dr. Cong Peng, Harvard; Dr. Chung-Jung Chiu, Tufts University; James Martin II, Princeton University; Dr. Shubai Liu, Harvard; Dr. Liling Zeng, BU; Shi Su in Dr. Tai Chen's lab, Boston University; Prof Smita Varia, Dr. Gunasekaran Singaravelu & Jonathon Brzezinski, Rutgers University; Dr. Minh Le, from Prof. Harvey Lodish's lab, Boston Children's Hospital; Dr. Gillian Browne, University of Vermont College of Medicine; Dr. Jiahai Shi, from Prof. Harvey Lodish's lab, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research; Dr. Xiaohua Huang, Harvard, Dr. Eva Maria Novoa Pardo, MIT and Dr. Yingying Huang, MGH/Harvard
  • Dr. Nopporn Thangthaeng, USDA, Dr. Murat Keceli, MIT; Dr. Yan X Yu, Brandeis; Chip Allee, CEO CeuticalSoft
4:00 pm Networking for skills & advice (Sea of learning)
5:00 pm Closing remark (Dr. Grace Wong, ActoKine Therapeutics, former Genentech)

2013 Nobel-Pauling Christmas Dim Sum Symposium >30 speakers

2012 Nobel-Pauling Biotech Pharma Dim Sum Symposium Agenda

Boston; 2012 Christmas (11 am to 5 pm)

Dear Dr. Grace Wong, Many thanks for hosting an excellent Linus Pauling Biotech Symposium to mix scientists from academia with industry on Christmas holidays. It was a great opportunity for all of us to get to know each other for future collaboration.

Behzad Etemad, PhD, Postdoc, BU School of Medicine, Section of Infectious Diseases (Dec 27, 2012).

Hi Grace: Thank you very much for inviting me to participate the symposium. You have done a wonderful job to organize the Linus Pauling Christmas Biotech Symposium. I am enjoying the meeting very much.

Wenhui Wang, MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Pharmacology, NYMC (Dec 27, 2012)


11:00 am Registration & Biotech who’s who (networking, dim sum from 12 to 3pm)
12:00 pm Welcome: Dr. Grace Wong, ActoKine Therapeutics
Legacy of Dr. Linus Pauling (Richard Shamon, Nobel-Pauling)
12:30 pm Keynote speakers (Drive the next wave to science innovation)
Dr. Qiying Hu, Novartis; Dr. Lih Ling Lin, Pfizer
Prof Wenhui Wang, New York Medical College; Prof Yan Zhu, Tianjin University of TCM (USA vs. China for new drug discovery)

Panel Discussion: Academia vs. Industry for science innovation
Moderators: Dr. Jason Deng, MIT & Dr. Junjie Lu, Harvard
  • Dr. Lih Ling Lin, Pfizer; Dr. Qiying Hu, Novartis; Steven Bodovitz, Aduro BioTech; Dr. Xiang Yang Yu, Ironwoodpharma; Dr. Grace Wong, ActoKine (former Genentech); Prof Wenhui Wang, New York Medical College; Prof Yan Zhu, Tianjin University of TCM; Prof Sami Noujaim, Tufts medical center; Dr. Yazdani B. Shaik Dasthagirisaheb, BU
2:00 pm Smart pitch – Biotech Who's who (the joy of learning)
2:15 pm Short presentation: Why scientist? The past, the present & the future.
  • Dr. Jason Deng, MIT; Dr. Junjie Lu, Harvard; Dr. Izabela Durzynska, Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland; Dr. Chuanwu Wang, MIT; Dr. Yanyan Liu, Purdue University; Dr Remi Villenave, Harvard; Dr. Behzad Etemad, BU; Dr. Ravikumar Vasudevan, University of Florida; Dr. Jiayi Zhou, BU; Dr. Weiping Wang, MIT

  • Smart pitch-Biotech who's who (the joy of sharing)
  • Dr. Bin Ma, BiogenIdec; Dr. Bob Ward, AstraZeneca; Dr. XianLu Qu, Merck; Dr. Shuqi Wang, Harvard
  • Hiromi Miura, SciVax, Japan; Dr. Elichilia Shao, East Africa; Dr. Li Xie, UMass Medical School; Dr. Changyou Zhan, Boston Children's Hospital; Dr. Aoune Barhoumi, MIT; Dr. Steve Arkinstall, EMDSerono; Dr. Mia Wang, Abbott; Julio Vito Wykrota, EincoBio, Brazil; Chip Allee, CeuticalSoft; Katarzyna Kaczmarek, BU; Dominik Conrad, Justus-Liebig University, Giessen, Germany;
  • Anisha korde, Northeastern University; Supriya Demagu, Northeastern University
  • Prakhar Kapoor, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Mansi Soni, University of Massachusetts Lowell
4:00 pm Networking for skills & advice (Sea of learning)
5:00 pm Closing remark (Dr. Grace Wong, ActoKine Therapeutics)

The 2011 Linus Pauling Symposium in Boston was a wonderful opportunity and experience for me to see first-hand that the spirit and camaraderie among academic and biopharmaceutical scientists in promoting science is alive and well. It was a terrific way to pay tribute to the late Dr. Linus Pauling. It was a privilege to be part of the event.

Dr. Thomas Tan, Roche NJ (Dec 26, 2011)

2011 Pauling Christmas Biotech Pharma Symposium speakers, Boston

2011 Nobel-Pauling Biotech Pharma Dim Sum Symposium

Boston, Dec 26, 2011 (11 am to 5 pm)


11:00 am Registration & who’s who (networking, dim sum from 11am to 2pm)
12:00 pm Welcome: Dr. Grace Wong, CEO, ActoKine Therapeutics, Boston.
Legacy of Dr. Linus Pauling: Dr. Zhen Huang, Dept of Chemistry, MIT
12:30 pm Keynote speakers:
Dr. Seng-Lai (Thomas) Tan, Senior Research Leader, Roche, NJ
Seminar title: The Biopharma Dilemma: Unprecedented Challenges and Opportunities
Dr. Zhijian Lu, Head of Biologics, China Novartis
Dr. Li Xing, Senior Principal Scientist, Pfizer
Dr Grace Wong, CEO, ActoKine Therapeutics
1st seminar title: AK-1 for Radioprotection & AK-2 for virus prevention
2nd seminar title: Get a foot in the door
2:00 pm Self Introduction from panel speakers – Who's who
2:30 pm Panel Discussion: Yin & Yang: lessons learned from Academia and BioPharma
Moderators: Dr. Jason Xiang (Executive Director, ChemPartner) & Dr. Paul Yang, MGH (why scientist? The past, the present & the future)

  • Dr. Thomas Tan, Roche, Senior Research Leader, Hoffman-La Roche, NJ
  • Dr. Zhijian Lu, Head of Biologics, China Novartis
  • Dr. Li Xing, Senior Principal Scientist, Pfizer; Dr. Ju Huang, Postdoc, Harvard
  • Dr. Zhen Huang, Dept of Chemistry, MIT; Dr. Andrej Jedinak, Harvard
  • Lan Yang, Genzyme; Dr. Bhupendra Shravage, UMass Medical School
  • Dr. Wei Xu, CEO Broadband Photonics; Dr. Hironao Nakayama, Harvard
  • Prof. Libin Cui, Boston U School Med; Dr. Lingge Lu, Harvard Med School
  • Prof. Tara Devi Ashok, UMass Boston; Dr. Ravindra Prajapati, Harvard
  • Dr. Aditya Ambade, UMass Medical School; Dr.Yaguang Si, Agios Pharma
  • Dr. Dapeng Chen & Dr. XianLu Qu, Merck; Dr. Ravindra Prajapati, Harvard
  • Dr. Gene Lee, EMDSerono & Dr. Steve Arkinstall, EMDSerono
  • Dr. Jianguo Yang & Dr. Daotian Fu, Genzyme; Dr. Jiandong Geng, BU
  • Dr. Sridaran Natesan, Scientific Site Head (R&D), Sanofi-Aventis
  • Dr. Mia Wang, Dr. Carolyn Hsu & Dr. David He, Abbott

  • Dr. Victor Chu, BMS & Dr. Mak Jawadekar, former Pfizer
  • Dr. Gunther Winkler, former BiogenIdec; Nick Leap, Genewiz
  • Dr. B Xia & Dr. D Qin, GSK; Dr. WL Zhou & Dr. J. Cao, Novartis
  • Keven Stevens & Mark Campbell, IDT & Dr. Jorge Andrade, BGI
  • Dr. Xuan Liu, OriGene & Daniel Harris, UMass Boston
  • Dr. Kevin Zhou, CEO, SSTK Biotech, Shenzhen, China
  • Drs. Yajun Liu, CEO, Lisa Shen & George Li, Suzhou
  • Julio Vito Wykrota, EincoBio, Brazil; Dr. Carl Edwards, ex-Amgen
  • Hamilton Lenox, Neuland Lab, India; Dr. Mak Jawadekar, ex-Pfizer
  • Dr. Jeff Wu, MD (BWH); Dr. Steven Levine; Dr. Lex Van der Ploeg, ex-Merck
  • Urs Tanner, Medela, Switzerland; Chip Allee, CeuticalSoft
  • Dr. Zhu Huaxing, CEO, Novoprotein & Patrick Burke, Director, Amarex
4:00 pm Smart pitch or tell a story: by students/postdocs/scientists
5:00 pm Closing remark (Dr. Grace Wong, CEO, ActoKine Therapeutics, USA)

Dear Grace, During the 2011 Xmas Pauling symposium, it was a great experience to see how you care for young scientists to flourish and bring out the best in them by linking the students with industry and academic personnel. It was a great honor to be part of this group. I wish you all the best in your endeavors of this kind. Thank you. "Scientific quest is unquenchable, the path most adventurous, what can be more fascinating than knowing every day a new scientific truth. Come, one and all to be initiated into scientific endeavors to be eternally in search of truth." (by Prof. Tara Devi S. Ashok, University of Massachusetts Boston).

Prof Tara Ashok, Umass Boston (Dec 26, 2011).

2011 Christmas Pauling Symposium panel speakers

Thanks to Drs Yanjun Liu, CEO, Suzhou, Lisa Shen & George Li and Novoprotein (Dr. Zhu Huaxing, CEO and Dr. Cai Lijun for sponsoring the 2011 Dec 2 Shanghai Nobel-Pauling BioPharma Symposium. Thanks for Prof Yong X. Wang and Prof Dongqing Wei for co-organizing the Linus-Pauling Biotech Pharma Symposium on Dec 2, 2011 at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) and Huang Jinlu(黄金路 Gold Road) for volunteering to take photos at the symposium.

Thanks to Drs Yanjun Liu, CEO, Suzhou, Lisa Shen & George Li for sponsoring the 2011 Nobel-Pauling Biotech Symposium

2011 Dec 2 Linus Pauling Symposium at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) co-hosted by Prof Yong X. Wang and Prof Dongqing Wei, SJTU

Dear Grace, Thank you for taking your precious time to bring so many speakers here to speak at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). Honestly speaking, I learned much more knowledge not only from sciences but also from life. Thanks for teaching us to be useful for the society & the world. Thanks for inspiring us to help our boss succeed and also respect our mentors. Thanks for sharing your exciting science and practical advice. I will need to pick up a lot skills to make myself useful. The advice from the Pauling Symposium speakers has broadened my horizons. For example, how to start, develop and grow a company. I really liked the symposium so much not only because of the free pizza or Chinese food, but because the valuable advice and the opportunity to meet speakers face to face for future jobs or collaborations. I believe others also enjoyed the Pauling symposium very much. It was my pleasure to volunteer to take photos for the symposium. I look forward to taking more photos for the future Nobel-Pauling Biotech Pharma Symposium. Thank you, Gold Road

Jinlu Huang (Gold Road) 黄金路, Student at SJTU, Shanghai (Dec 2, 2011).

2011 Dec 2 Linus Pauling Symposium at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)

2011 Nobel-Pauling Biologics Symposium at Shanghai Jiao Tong University

The Nobel-Pauling Biotech Symposium series is held in honor of the Life and Work of Dr. Linus Pauling, winner of two unshared Nobel Prizes - in 1954 for Chemistry and in 1962 for Peace.

The goals of the Nobel-Pauling Biotech symposium are:

The topics are:

  1. Open Innovation: Academia vs. Industry for new drug discovery.
  2. If Innovation is the biotech seed, where is the soil?
  3. Ask the experts: how to get a foot in the door.

Date and time:Friday Dec 2, 2011 (2:00 - 10:00 pm)
Fee:$0 registration at www.nobel-pauling.org
Location:Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shuhua Lecture Hall, The Biomedicine Building, 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai (Phone: 135-6448-3969).
Sponsors:www.eincobio.com.br; www.NeulandLabs.com, www.QIAGEN.com, www.novoprotein.com
Webs:www.studentvision.org, www.Pauling.us & www.nobel-pauling.org.


2:00pm Mixing the arts with science: slide presentation through the performing arts 2 seminars by Dr. Grace Wong, CEO, ActoKine Therapeutics, Boston, USA
1st seminar: AK-1 for cancer & AK-2 for virus prevention
2nd Seminar: Biotech: Academia vs. Industry & Get a foot in the door
Smart pitch: Lin Huang, Lina Ma, Peisi He, Yukun Wang, Qiang Zhou, Yufang Wang, Huaimeng Fan, Mingzhu Zhao, Shigao Chen, Hao Dai and Xiaolei Cui
4:00 pm Who's who - Self introduction or smart pitch
5:00 pm Welcome: Dr. Grace Wong, CEO, ActoKine Therapeutics, Boston, USA
5:10 pm Introduction: Prof Yong X. Wang & Prof. Dong-Qing Wei, SJTU
5:20 pm Panel speakers – Biotech Who's who (mixing the biz with science)
6:00 pm Panel Discussion: Yin & Yang: lessons learned from working many years in BioPharma
Moderators: Prof Yong X. Wang and Prof. Dong-Qing Wei, SJTU

  • Dr. Zhenping Zhu, Executive VP, Kadmon Corp. GM, Kadmon, Shanghai
  • Dr. Wenzhi Tian, CEO, Huabo BioPharma, Shanghai
  • Dr. Allan Riting Liu, VP, Wanbang Biopharmaceutical Group, China
  • Dr. Michael Yu, CEO, Innovent Biologics, Shanghai, China
  • Dr. Cai Lijun, VP and Dr. Zhu Huaxing, CEO, Novoprotein
  • Dr. Zhijian Lu, Head of Biologics, China Novartis Institutes
  • Dr. Jason Wong and Dr. Min Wu, Roche, China & Kyung-Hee Jung, Korea

  • Jeff Hou, Australian Institute for Bioengineering & Nanotechnology
  • Drs. Yanjun Liu, CEO, Lisa Shen and George Li, Biotech, Suzhou
  • Dr. Jeffrey Su, CSO, Cytovance Biologics, Oklahoma City, USA
  • Dr. Karen Wen, CEO, Mycenax, Taiwan
  • Dr. Joerg Lindenblatt, Sartorius, Germany
  • Dr. Michael Lee, Biomabs Pharma, Shanghai & Akira Hosoki, BioPharma, Japan
  • Dr. Andrew Racher, Lonza, UK & Sze Guan Chua, Lonza, Singapore

  • Dr. Guoqian Xu & Dr. DQ Wang, Bayer
  • Dr. Li Feng, CEO, Beijing Mabworks Biotech
  • Clement Leonard Trono, Tommy Tang, Huang Tao, Genor Biopharma
  • Dr. Hongfeng Zhou, COO, YZYBio, Wuhan & Dr. Wenyong Wang, SF
  • Dr. Bo Xu, Wuxi AppTec & Dr. James Ruan, Wuxi PharmaTech
  • Dr. Howard Hong, Mark Hu, Craig Sng, Parker, Beijing
  • Dr. Scott Liu, CEO, Henius Biotech & Dr. Kelvin Shao, Newsummit BioPharma
  • Kevin Zhou, CEO, SSTK Biotech & Dr. Jian Ni, CEO, Human Antibodomics
  • Prof Jianhua Chang, Fudan, Prof Yuhong Xu, SJTU, Prof. Yong X. Wang, SJTU & Prof. Dong-Qing Wei, SJTU
7:30 pm Presentation by speakers
9:30 pm Closing remarks (Dr. Grace, ActoKine Therapeutics, Boston)

Note: All contents Copyright 2020. All photographs belong to Nobel-Pauling. If you would like to download or use any of these photos please contact Alex Pauling alex@ Nobel-Pauling.org or call 617-566-0511. Wish to be a sponsor, please send a logo to alex@ Nobel-Pauling.org.

For past Symposia (2003 to 2010) please visit www.pauling.us and www.studentvision.org