2019 Nobel-Linus-Pauling Biotech Christmas Symposium (Dec 25, 2018)

Pre-registration is required but seminar fee is $0.

Themes: Biotech and pharma for new drug discovery
What is hot in biotech pharma? Why mentors?
Why science? Why open innovation and global collaboration?
Themes - Career decisions: academia vs. biotech pharma for science discovery
Yin & Yang: lessons learned from working in academia, biotech & pharma.
If innovation is a seed, where is the soil? When will it rain?

2016 Nobel-Linus-Pauling Biotech Pharma Symposium (April 24, 2016)

1) Biologics, Antibody Therapeutics and Immunotherapy
2) What is hot in biotech and pharma & Career decision: Academia vs. Industry.
3) Lessons learned: the past, the present & the future.

This symposium will be held just before the commercial conference in Boston, to take advantage of the fact that many of the leaders of the global industry will be coming to Boston to speak, and while they are here, they can contribute their time and expertise to our program for students and postdocs who will not be able to pay >$ 1000 for the commercial conference. We volunteer to create an opportunity for local scientists to learn from and interact with key players in the global R&D industry, particularly in relation to the markedly expanding opportunities in the biologics/antibodies industry. Postdocs can also learn how to mix the arts with science and how to get a foot in the door for their future dream jobs.

Pre-registration is required (www.Nobel-Pauling.org) but seminar fee is $ 0.

2016 Nobel-Linus-Pauling Biologics/Antibody Symposium Speakers:
Speakers from academia, government, biotech & pharma

Dr. Paul Carter, PhD, Senior Director and Staff Scientist, Antibody Engineering, Genentech (Keynote)
Dr. Thomas Waldmann, MD, Head, Cytokine Immunology and Immunotherapy Section, National Cancer Institute (Keynote)
Dr. Andrew Bradbury, MD, PhD, Staff Scientist,Biosciences, Los Alamos National Laboratory (Keynote)

Professor Scott Mohr PhD, Professor of Chemistry at Boston University
Dr. Randall Brezski, PhD, Scientist, Antibody Engineering, Genentech
Martine Darwish, MS, Senior Scientist, Protein Chemistry, Genentech
Dr. Ali Zarrin, Ph.D., Scientist, Immunology, Genentech
Dr. Kate Senger, PhD, Senior Scientific Researcher, Genentech
Dr. James Ernst, PhD, Senior Scientist, gRED Research and Early Development, Genentech
Dr. Jeffrey Siegel, MD, Senior Group Medical Director, Global Head - Rheumatology and Rare Diseases, Genentech
Dr. Vibha Jawa, PhD, Principal Scientist, Clinical Immunology, Amgen

Shannon Chilewski, MS, Scientist, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Dr. Carolyn Cuff, PhD, Leader, Translational Research & Investigation Unit, AbbVie
Dr. Michael Blank PhD, CSO, AptaIT GmbH, Munich, Germany
Dr. Andreas Schaaf PhD, Greenovation Biotech, Germany
Prof. Dr. Stefan Dübel PhD, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany (co-founder of YuMab GmbH)
Dr. Stefan Weigand PhD, Head of Large Molecule Research, Roche
Dr. Grace Wong, CEO, ActoKine Therapeutics (former Genentech and Serono)

Dr. Ibraheem Badejo PhD, Senior Director of New Ventures, Johnson & Johnson
Dr. Ravi Kumar, CSO, Acceleron Pharma
Dr. Oona Johnstone, Wolf, Greenfield
Dr. Joseph Murphy, PhD, Director of Science, R&D (Oncology) Charles River Lab, NC
Dr. Michael Hust, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany (co-founder of YuMab GmbH)
Dr. Jeff Boucher, PhD, Postdoc, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Dr. Pallab Ghosh Postdoc, Harvard Medical School
Dr. Beau Rostama, Maine Medical Center Research Institute
Dr. Baoen Chen, Postdoc, MGH, Harvard
Priya Katyal, student, University of Connecticut
Dr. Jerrin Kuriakose, postdoc, MGH, Harvard
Dr. Helene Kuhn, Postdoc, Tufts University
Dr. Qing Liao, CEO of Boston Paragon, CSO of Spire Metering Technology
Semir Beyaz, PhD student, Harvard University
Kathy Zhao, BUSPH Student, BU
Dr. Ward Yuhas, PhD, Business Development Manager, Discovery | Charles River Lab

2015 Nobel-Linus-Pauling Biotech Pharma Christmas Symposium Speakers:
Speakers from academia, start up, biotech & pharma

Amadou Barry, South Africa, UMD
Dr. Jiang He, MIT
Dr. Christian Maass, MIT, from Germany
Dr. Yogesh Dayma, MIT
Dr. Ramchander Chepyala, MIT
Dr. Tianmin Fu (Prof Hao Wu's lab), Harvard

Dr. Yue Liu, Pfizer
Dr. Robert Ng, BioMarin Pharmaceuticals
Supriya Shekar, Medbiomarkers (former Novartis)
Dr. Grace Wong, ActoKine Therapeutics (former Genentech)

Xiaoyue Shi, Case Western Reserve University, Ohio (Why China Biotech Pharma?)
Prof. Dai Huanqin, an associate professor in Prof Gil Alterovitz's lab (MIT/Harvard), as a visiting scholar
from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (in Prof Lixin Zhang's lab), Beijing, China

Dilip G. Gosar (former Lilly)
Dr. Xin Tang, Harvard
Dr. Rajiv Shrestha, Octet Research Inc
Yogesh Reddy, Ascensus

2014 Nobel-Linus-Pauling Speakers:
Speakers from academia, biotech & pharma

Prof Arthur Pardee, Harvard; Prof Roy Glauber, Nobel Laureate, Harvard; Prof Charles Stiles, Harvard Medical School;
Dr. James Falls, GSK; Dr. Xuemei Zhao, Merck; Dr. Rounak Nassirpour, Pfizer;
Dr. Pavan Kumar, Eisai; Dr. Bing Xia, GSK; Dr Grace Wong, ActoKine Therapeutics;
Dr. Chung-Wei Lee, MIT; Dr. Weimin Guo, Harvard; Dr. Jingfang Ju, Stony Brook Univ;
Dr. David Salzman, BiogenIdec; Bryan Germain, BiogenIdec; Dennis France, Advanced Cellular Dynamics

Marsha Paul, Linus Pauling Volunteer; Dr. Kathy Martin, KJMBiosystems; Becky Buzzeo, ThermoFisher Scientific;
Dr. Prasun Mishra; NIH; Prof Muller Fabbri; USC, LA: Prof Lorenzo Sempere, Van Andel Res. Inst;
Prof Robert Lee, OSU, Ohio; Prof Taosheng Chen, stjude.org; Prof John Pezacki, Univ of Ottawa;
Prof Jana Jandova, Univ of Arizona; Prof Nagendra Yadava, Pioneer Valley Life Sci Inst. and more....

2013 Nobel-Linus-Pauling Biotech Pharma Symposium Speakers

Dear Dr. Grace Wong, Thank you so much for organizing such an exciting and important symposium! It was a great pleasure meeting you and many other colleagues and experts from academia and industry. I learned a variety of new facts about the biotech and pharmaceutical industries and got very important contacts for future scientific collaboration. And above all, your enthusiasm, kindness and wisdom are inspiring and enlightening!

Leonid Gaidukov, PhD, Postdoc, MIT (Dec 26, 2013).

I enjoyed this Nobel-Pauling Biotech Christmas Symposium (2013) a lot. Grace's passion and enthusiasm to help students/postdoc are admirable, and her scientific achievements and personal generosity are remarkable and extraordinary."

Min Wu, PhD. DFCI, Harvard (Jan 2, 2014).

Dear Grace, Thank you so much for your commitment for science and people. Jeff Ding PhD, Sanofi (Dec 26, 2013).
Dear Grace, Thanks so much for organizing this Linus-Pauling Biotech Christmas Dim Sum Symposium. The speakers are of high level and they are insightful. It is a great initiative for promoting understanding and collaboration for new drug discovery.

Yanxun Yu, PhD, Postdoc, Brandeis University (Dec 26, 2013).

2013 Nobel-Pauling Xmas Dim Sum Biotech Symposium (speakers from academia, start up, biotech & pharma industry, Boston, on Dec 26, 2013

Hi Grace, Thanks a lot for organizing the 2013 Linus-Pauling Christmas Symposium. My daughter Marina Guo and I enjoyed it. Hope the science garden you are planting will be flourishing.

Prof Maolin Guo PhD, UMass Dartmouth (Jan 3, 2014).

Dear Grace, Thank you for providing a chance for postdocs and students to speak during Christmas holidays and to get together to meet biotech pharma experts. Thanks for inspiring us to publish and build skills, and networking with substances.

Yansheng Hao, PhD, Postdoc, DFCI/Harvard? (Dec 26, 2013).

Thank you Grace for inviting me to this great event. I am glad that I had the opportunity to share my experience with students and post-docs. I look forward to any future collaborations.

Xu (Sean) Yang, Genzyme (Jan 2, 2014).

Dear Grace, Thank you again for generously organizing this event to benefit postdoctoral scientists. It was my honor to be part of the event. I certainly hope that our presentations may help the postdoctoral participants embark on their next career steps. I would be again happy to provide my support to events like this.

Nanding Zhao, PhD, Eisai (Jan 3, 2014).

2013 Nobel-Pauling Xmas Dim Sum Biotech Symposium (speakers from academia, start up, biotech & pharma industry, Boston, on Dec 26, 2013

2013 Nobel-Linus-Pauling Biotech Christmas Keynote speakers:
Dr. Nanding Zhao, Eisai
Dr. Xiaoyu Tian, Bristol-Myers-Squibb
Dr. Jeff Ding, Sanofi
Dr. Michael Lam, Merck
Dr. Bob Ward, AstraZeneca
Dr. Sherwin Shang, Abbvie

2013 Speakers from Academia and Industry for science innovation
Moderators: Richard Shamon, Student Vision & Alex Pauling, Nobel-Pauling

Note: All contents Copyright 2020. All photographs belong to Nobel-Pauling. If you would like to download or use any of these photos please contact Alex Pauling alex@ Nobel-Pauling.org or call 617-566-0511. Wish to be a sponsor, please send a logo to alex@ Nobel-Pauling.org.